Sentia is a G1G1 OLPC running Sugar.
The naming
Sentia was the goddess who oversaw children’s mental development. It is also said it was the goddess who gave awareness to the young child.
The default shipped firmware 650 doesn’t support WPA encrypted networks.
Find an open one and run in the terminal su -c 'olpc-update 656'
(find out the last version number at the
You need to have AC plugged in, else the firmware won’t flash on reboot.
yum install bittorrent centerim pidgin emacs git-core htop irssi mc
mtr mutt nmap ruby ruby-docs ruby-irb ruby-ri rxvt-unicode screen zsh
yum install xorg-x11-fonts-{base,misc,truetype}
but I couldn’t yet figure out how to access the fonts.